शुक्रवार, 18 मई 2012

To, All Sindhis of All States In the India.

Kindly let me know in how many states of India we Sindhis have been recognized as minority and declared under OBC reservation particularly in the state of Maharashtra, MP, Gujrat, Delhi, Rajasthan etc. if not we sindhis residing in all these states should be directed to kindly file the representation before the govt. in which they reside for their right to be declared as minority and OBC by the state and the central govt. by amending the constitutional rights under article 341, so many surveys of population, caste creed, religion and family status just as backward and economical backward classes of the country are being conducted now a days through out India in our rajasthan state in the year 2007 a report conducted by national survey for family status is as follows :-
General Class : 22%
OBC class : 45%
SC class : 19%
ST class : 14%
_________________ 100%
___________________ this figure shows that in rajasthan most of the sindhis who are residing in rajasthan have been covered under 45% OBC that is why Mr. Ranveer Sahay chairman OBC Commission has recommended the following sindhi persons to be declared OBC reserved :
1) Bhatt 6%
2) Soni 6% (only sindhi sunar)
3) Satiya Sindhi 7%
4) Sindhi Musalman 8%
notification have been issued by the Govt. of Rajasthan
On the other hand we are linguistic minority in India but only on the point of religion we sindhis are not declared as minority through out India to avail the facilities of minority for our children. constitutionally minority may not be declared on the religion basis because constitution does inequality allow the govt. to do any act which counts to disparity and inequality on religious basis. actually the meaning of minority counts the number of population but the govt. of India has changed the meaning of minority to be based on religious that is why the muslims who are having the population of 25 crores in the country have been declared as minority on religion basis but not on numbering basis of the population.
The mandal Aayog has narrated 11 points as social, political, economical and educational backwardness for minorities we sindhis cover all the 11 points of mandal aayog being capable to be declare as minority but due to the percentage of voting we sindhis in India have been put on back foot because we are not even one crore in India but below one crore.
due to this inequality I filed a PIL writ petition before DB Bench in Rajasthan High Court which directed me to kindly representation be put before the Govt. as the Govt. is only law making body. that is why I am suggesting you to kindly guide the whole sindhis community of India to file representation in all states and before the central Govt. for our right of minority and OBC by amending the law to safe guard our constitutional right. my this letter be directed in all the states to all the sindhis for this pious work and any legal information be shared by us amongst us through India so as to achieve this goal.
Ashok Matai, Advocate

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